Hi! I’m Taylor.

I was chronically ill for YEARS.

From a nonexistent period to crippling cramps to unbearable insomnia, handfuls of prescribed drugs, chronic migraines, stutter, constant infections and ER visits, loads of antibiotics, birth control, childhood trauma, chronic depression and anxiety, cysts, ADD, brain fog and chronic fatigue that made me feel helpless. Girl, I’ve experienced it all. I was my sickest at 22 years old wondering why at the age I should physically be at my “peak” that I felt like I was 80. I went to so many doctors and specialists that provided me with no answers. I would get laughed at for asking why I was infertile at 19; told it was a blessing. Given drugs with side effects and then prescribed more drugs to cover them up. One day I saw a documentary talking about the effects of amphetamines (adhd meds) having the same long-term effect on your brain as street meth and a light bulb went on in my head and that set in motion my healing journey outside of the mainstream “health care” system. Fast forward to 5 years later after countless books read, becoming a professionally trained birth doula, studying nutrition, hormones, gut health, the nervous system, holistic trauma work and many other subjects; I’ve healed almost every issue I thought I’d be plagued with for life and I want to share that with other women that feel like I once did. The energy, healing, power and alignment I now feel is something I couldn’t fathom when I was sick. Everything shifted into my favor when I realized the power was in my hands to heal.

I feel better than ever & have helped over 100 women just like you and I.

I am a professionally trained birth doula and I have spent over 5 years of my life studying all things pregnancy, birth, hormone health, nervous system, balanced nutritional strategies, detoxification and anything related to holistic wellness. My passion and purpose is helping women take their power back like I did.

I offer guidance through a woman’s journey from maiden to mother, healing the menstrual cycle and fertility, getting off birth control or consciously crafting an nourishing animal based diet to revive the metabolism after being depleted from a plant based diet, creating a non-toxic lifestyle and improving overall health by aligning with nature, shifting the mindset to a balanced state, reconnecting to innate wisdom, femininity, intuition and so much more.


Group Workshops

Every couple months I host group workshops as crash courses on holistic pregnancy and natural as well as hormone health for my girls that are trying to heal from birth control and stressful hustle “bad bitch” culture.

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I have compiled years of knowledge into my eBooks and will continue to release more including full blown online courses with the goal of arming women with the information to be in confident control of their bodies and whole health.

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Contact Taylor with any questions you may have!