5 Reasons Track Your Cycle

Avoid synthetic hormones

Hormonal birth control is a well known group 1 carcinogen which can cause issues from autoimmunity, nutrient depletion, depression, anxiety, liver cancer, cervical cancer, breast cancer, IBS and other digestive issue, you name it. So why wouldn’t we women want to use fertility awareness method to prevent pregnancy instead of synthetic hormones? Well, we’re not taught in school.

You Can Prevent Pregnancy or Plan It

When you have healed your cycle and inadvertently your overall health, you will be able to monitor the fertility signals so that you know when you’re fertile or not fertile so that you can naturally avoid pregnancy or consciously plan it. In this workshop, I will go into detail about how to track your cycle and use it to either plan or prevent pregnancy. I have been using this as my personal birth control for years and it’s extremely effective when done CORRECTLY. So let’s get into how to confidently use it yourself.

Raw Woman Power & Enhanced Awareness

What better way to tune into your body than to heal your cycle, get balanced and be able to interpret the data your body is constantly giving so that you can be your own best doctor. It feels so damn powerful to be in sync with your body. Your intuition gets stronger. You become more confident. The veil is lifted and your reality becomes vibrant again. You’re better able to take control of your health and entire life because you are deeply connected to your feminine life force.

Monitor Your Health

Our cycle is one of the biggest advantages we have over men and I know that sounds ridiculous if you still have a painful or irregular period but let me tell you, your cycle is a clear window into your metabolic and hormonal health. The W.H.O. classifies women’s menstrual cycle as a VITAL SIGN. As in, just as important at heart rate and blood pressure but IMO it’s far more useful to tell us more than just one of the other vital signs.


No insurance co-pays or weird drug inserts. No prescriptions. Just a basal body thermometer, your diligence and a free app to keep track. The basal body thermometer I recommend is literally $15 and will last you for years (as long as your dog doesn’t chew it up lol). Not only is this method super cheap but it’s INVALUABLE. Such powerful information has women walking through life with more mindfulness and confidence which will subsequently lead to more success.

Why is this Workshop Essential for You?

Tracking menstrual cycles can be a valuable approach for young women, and indeed women of all ages, for various reasons, including preventing pregnancy and monitoring hormonal and metabolic health. Here are some reasons why young women might consider taking a holistic approach to menstrual cycle tracking:

  1. Natural Birth Control: Tracking menstrual cycles, also known as fertility awareness-based methods (FAM), can be an effective form of natural birth control. By understanding the various phases of the menstrual cycle, women can identify fertile days and use contraception or avoid unprotected intercourse during those times, reducing the risk of unintended pregnancies without the need for hormonal contraceptives.

  2. Empowerment and Body Awareness: Menstrual cycle tracking encourages women to become more in tune with their bodies. This increased awareness of their menstrual patterns, moods, and physical symptoms can help them make informed decisions about their reproductive health and overall well-being.

  3. Hormonal and Metabolic Health: Menstrual irregularities can be a sign of underlying hormonal and metabolic issues, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or thyroid disorders. Regular tracking can help young women identify these issues early and seek appropriate medical care and treatment.

  4. Fertility Planning: For those who are planning to start a family in the future, tracking their menstrual cycle can be helpful in optimizing their chances of conception. It allows them to identify their most fertile days, which can be useful when trying to conceive.

  5. Identifying Health Trends: Consistently tracking menstrual cycles can reveal patterns and trends in hormonal and metabolic health. For example, irregular cycles or severe PMS symptoms may indicate a hormonal imbalance that needs attention. Monitoring these trends can lead to early intervention and treatment.

  6. Stress Management: The menstrual cycle can be influenced by stress and lifestyle factors. Tracking it can help women identify the impact of stress on their cycle and make adjustments to reduce stress levels, which can have a positive effect on their overall health.

  7. Holistic Well-being: Menstrual cycle tracking can encourage a holistic approach to health by considering the interplay of physical, emotional, and hormonal factors. This approach can lead to better self-care and overall well-being.

Here's to honoring your body, embracing your cycle, and stepping into your power as a womban.


Taylor Gossett I Get Real, Girlfriend

Cycle Tracking Masterclass

Cycle Tracking Masterclass


This Thursday 12/28 (6pm - 7:30pm EST)


Online Zoom link you’ll receive with confirmation email.

The workshop will be recorded and sent out to everyone who’s registered afterward, so don’t worry if you can’t make it. It will be like you didn’t miss a thing.